Stakeholder Management Hero ⚡️ Only 20 places
In Module 4 of our education course, we want to dive into the topic of how to manage inputs, requests and 'wants' from other product teams
📍 During this half webinar/half workshop we will cover a little bit of crucial theory and jump straight to the practice. Be prepared for very focused and insightful 2 hours. In detail we will go through:
⚡️ Trainer — Galina Ryzhenko, Head of Platform at ENSEK | Product leader with strong customer success and digital strategy background and 10+y. experience in various aspects of software product management (discovery, productization, go to market strategies, scaling and lifecycle management). Currently Galina is responsible for platform product management at ENSEK, creating a next-gen end-to-end SaaS solution for energy suppliers. Previously: Head of Product at Netpulse and Star.
⚡️ PRICE 20 USD | To purchase a ticket go here
🔥 To purchase a full Stakeholder Management Hero bundle go here