Customer Interview Hero ⚡️ Only 20 places
In Module 7 of our education course, we want to dive into customer feedback. We will learn what to do if you just started your career and the company you're working for doesn't let you talk to the customers, nor gather their feedback?
📍 During this half webinar/half workshop we will cover a little bit of crucial theory and jump straight to the practice. Be prepared for very focused and insightful 2 hours. In detail we will go through:⚡️ PRICE 20 USD | To purchase a ticket go here
🔥 To purchase a full Customer Interview Hero bundle go here
⚡️ Trainer Maria Korolenko. Product Manager at VanillaSoft.
Maria is a product manager with entrepreneurial experience with a passion for creating scalable human-oriented solutions for the challenges people face. She's inspired by analyzing human behavior and working on helping people to achieve their goals.