For the last two years Ivan Leshko has been fully engaged with Global Financial World by delivering software products. He’s learned a lot of global trends and what is going on inside of every trend. At the same time he’s immersed himself in Ukrainian IT Outsourcing as he is running such type of business. Based on his experience in those activities Ivan developed a workshop about Management and Leadership for global world. He’s already held a part of it at the conference for managers and the participants were really engaged. This workshop is one day long, full of cases and practical tasks.
Speaker: Ivan Leshko, Vice President, Client Success of Financial Services SoftServe.
Within this workshop people will learn:
A half of the workshop is based on Harvard Business School approach of solving cases, where Ivan provides real business cases about fails and within three groups of attendees builds plans on how to solve them in different roles.
About The Speaker
These days I'm holding position of Vice President Client Success at SoftServe. I have over 14 years of experience in IT outsourcing and 10 years in Business Development and Management. For the last 10 years I’ve spent abroad several months every year. I work with real experts from Western companies and I’ve learned a lot from them. In 2017 I released my book “Common Sense по-українськи”. This book was written to develop more leaders in Ukraine and to lead the Ukrainian nation closer toward the Western World. The book was really popular in Ukraine and in 2018 it was translated into English.
Last two years I’m leading Financial Services Vertical at SoftServe. It provides me amazing ability to work and talk with people who leads Global Financial System and understand global trends from inside. Again I learned a lot from them and on the way to release book “Finance is simple”. Besides that I manage IT Outsourcing business for SoftServe with clients across the globe.