Startup Grind is a new project for Lviv designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs.
Startup Grind powered by Google host monthly events in more than 65 countries and 150 cities.
In Lviv the first speaker will be Jaanika Merilo, executive director at Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA) and expert at E-Governance Strategic Advisory Group in Ukraine.
Jaanika will tell us about the features of venture capital funds abroad and in Ukraine, pitfalls of investment in startups at early stages. She will share her experience of innovation and entrepreneurship in Ukraine and Estonia.
In Ukraine Jaanika participated in the creation of UANGEL, Ukrainian Business Angels Network. As the chairman of management Board at BrainBasket Foundation, she is dealing with IT-Education in Ukraine, as the chairman of management Board at BrainBasket Foundation.
19:00-20:00 - Registration, networking, drinks, snacks
20:00-21:00 - Fireside chat with Jaanika Merilo
21:00-22:00 - Q & A, networking, drinks, snacks
The price of participation in StartupGrind #1 - 150 UAH. Ticket price covers drinks and snacks.
Moderator - Maxym Lysak, Co-founder / CEO Strartup Depot